Bulgaria, Stara Zagora  •  +359 42 626033, +359 42 626297  •

John Atanasov Vocational School of Electronics

gimnaziya Djohn Atanasov

John Atanasov Vocational School of Electronics - Stara Zagora has been preparing students since 1985. Initially, the training was closely specialized and arises in connection with the demand for highly-qualified personnel in electronics in Stara Zagora region. From the 1987/1988 school year the education is carried out in a 4-year course and includes general education and professional training. The vocational school of Electronics received the status of an independent educational unit of the secondary education system. Graduates receive diplomas of secondary education and the qualification "technician".
The demand for highly-qualified technicians in electronics is growing in parallel with the development of new technologies. Since 1990, the vocational school of Electronics has been training students in the following majors: Radio Engineering and Television, Communication Engineering, Electronic Engineering with a profile Microprocessor Engineering.
Since 1993, the school has been named John Atanasov, the inventor of the ABC computer, the first model of an electronic digital computer with regenerative memory.
From the 1992/1993 school year, the school admits both students after completing primary education - for a 4 years study course and students after completing 7th grade - for a 5 years study course with intensive study of English. The number of classes with intensive study of English is increasing. New training opportunities are added with the majors: Computer equipment and technologies, Computer networks, Telecommunication systems, Optical communication systems, Microprocessor equipment, Industrial electronics, System programming.
Successful graduates receive a high school diploma and a certificate of vocational qualification "technician". This enables them to be realized in the fields of audio and video equipment, radio and telecommunication equipment, microprocessor equipment, computer equipment and programming, industrial and consumer electronics, security systems, cable and satellite television, medical equipment and others.